Struggling to Sell Your Home? Here are 6 Possible Reasons Why

Category Selling

So you're caught up in every seller's worst nightmare - you are struggling to sell your home.

You might have been hoping for a quick sale before you explore new horizons but here you are, playing the dreadful waiting game.

You did everything you were supposed to do: you have an excellent agent, you've listed your home, and you've done minor repairs to make it look more appealing.

So what went wrong?

The truth is that there are many things that sellers don't do - things that aren't always so obvious especially if you are a first-time seller.

Here are a few reasons why your home is still sitting pretty on the property market. 

1) The price doesn't match the value of the house

One of the biggest reasons why a home doesn't sell is because it is incorrectly priced. And if your house is sitting on the market for too long, it usually means that the price is too high.

It is easy to decide on a high price because of the emotional attachment one feels but the buyer won't share this sentiment. They are interested in the structure of the house and what it can offer them in the future.

Potential buyers also have access to online valuation tools that help them determine the actual value of the house.

As the seller, you can use these tools to your advantage. Do research on similar types of houses in the area and see what they were priced as. You will then have a better idea when deciding on a price for your house.  

2) You aren't hosting show days to sell the house

Hosting an open house is the best way to attract buyers.

This way you get people passing by to have a look as well as people who have kept their eye on the listing for a while.

It invites the potential buyer into the house without them having to make the first move.

When hosting a show day, ask your agent for help. They will know exactly how to stage your house and what to add or remove before potential buyers have a look at it. 

3) You can't sell without curb appeal

It is human nature: people make a judgement upon first glance and unfortunately first impressions last.

If your house looks unappealing from the outside you are not going to attract the buyer that you want. No one wants to chop their way through the overgrown jungle that is your front lawn. They also don't want to be greeted by peeled-off paint as they walk up the driveway.

If you make effort with the presentation of your house then you are also more likely to get the price that you want.

It's time to whip out the paintbrush and the high-pressure cleaner and get to work!

4) You didn't take professional photos of the house

With everything being online, this is the first place potential buyers will start their home-buying journey.

If the photos are dark and blurry, people are going to swipe past them. Bad photos create a bad image (pun intended).

Again, it all boils down to first impressions.

A professional real estate photographer will know which angles to use and how to make use of the lighting for the best shots. They will also edit the photos in such a way that your house looks amazing when potential buyers see it for the first time. 

5) You don't sell your house in the listing description

If it's not your photos, it might be the description accompanying the photos.

If your description is uninformative and unimaginative, people are going to think it's nothing special.

You need to sell your house before you even meet with potential buyers. The listing description should make the potential buyer think that this is the house they have been waiting for their entire life.

You can do this by listing all the rooms, bathrooms, and special features that the house has. Be sure to include any renovations and remodelling that you have done in the past few years. 

See also: How to Write a Real Estate Listing Description That Sells

6) You try to control too much of the process

It can be difficult letting go of your house especially if it's been your home for the past few years.

However, this is not a process that you can control entirely.

If you try to hold on too tight and you don't give the agent enough breathing space, you won't sell your house.

Your agent is qualified for the job and you need to let them work their magic. It is difficult for agents to work with so-called 'helicopter' clients.

Final thoughts

Don't lose hope if your house isn't selling immediately. Many factors come into play with buying and selling homes. If you tick these few things off your list, then you'll have a better chance of turning that 'for sale' sign into a 'sold' one.


Submitted 05 Dec 22 / Views 539