Coronavirus: Entertaining Things to Do While Social Distancing

Category Lifestyle

Social distancing is the new norm due to the continued spread of Covid-19.

People are stuck at home all day, which can be pretty boring and monotonous.

The fun activities that we are used to- swimming, partying, traveling, hiking- are no longer viable. However, new ideas are born during crises like the one Coronavirus has brought unto us.

So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself because you aren't hanging with friends as often as you'd want when you're not working-from-homeengage your creativity and come up with something entertaining to do while in social isolation

To give you an idea of what we mean, here are 6 activities that will keep you entertained in this era of social distancing:

1. Read a book

Well, most libraries and bookstores are closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that should not dim your reading spirits.

Read the books you already have, re-read any material that inspired you the first time you read it.

Once you have cleared everything in the house, there are millions of e-books that you can buy and read online. 

2. Hold game nights

Playing board or video games is a good way to kill time and fight boredom. There are tons of games that you can play online, including virtual games that can be played by multiple players from multiple remote locations.

If you are lucky to have roommates who are into board games, then, by all means, play any game you can come across.

You can find hours of gaming content on YouTube and other video streaming platforms. What's more, you can even invent your own game to try the many viral challenges celebrities are sharing on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms. 

3. Work it out 

Gyms are closed, walks to the park aren't considered safe anymore, and most outdoor activities have been prohibited in pretty much most areas. That is, however, not a reason to quit working out altogether.

It's great if you have a garden where you can ride a bike, run or sprint, or create a make-shift gym using materials found around your compound.

If you don't have a garden, create an exercise regime indoors or at the balcony. You will be entertained and at the same time keep fit. 

4. Do a group crossword puzzle 

Do the New York Times crossword, or whichever puzzle you have access to.

Now that your friends are locked up kilometers across town, doing the crosswords over Skype or text might be your best option right now.

Either of the methods is tedious, but at least you will get a sense of normalcy and continuity even when you are alone in the house. 

5. Guided meditation

Meditation allows you to work through any coronavirus-related fears.

If you are worried about your health, the safety of the people you love, or your financial position post-coronavirus, meditation will help you rise above those worries.

Leverage the many online guided meditation or yoga courses. 

6. Zoom cooking competitions

Hold an at-home cook-off with your friends, only that you will be doing it via Zoom or Skype.

You just need to agree on the food choices, ingredients to use, and the time, and then someone sets the timer for everyone to start/stop cooking.

The presentation and creativity of each participant will be the judging parameters because, for obvious reasons, tasting is off the table at the moment. 


As COVID-19 social distancing and self-quarantining continue, it is upon each one of us to come up with creative ideas that will make social isolation a little less boring.

If you have discovered anything fun, remember to share with the world via online platforms. 


Submitted 30 May 20 / Views 724