4 Ways to Fit Big Design Ideas into a Small Home Office

Category Design & Decor

Anybody working from home knows just how stressful it can sometimes get.

Trying to stay focused on the task at hand while being constantly bombarded with various distractions can make doing your job properly virtually impossible.

That's why home offices have been on the rise in popularity lately (especially during Lockdown!!). People are starting to realize that without a proper setting that will motivate them to fully commit to their jobs, managing to perform everything that's expected of them can become very challenging. That's why more and more people are turning towards putting together beautiful creativity hubs.

However, those who struggle with the lack of space can find the task of creating a home office somewhat challenging. With that in mind, here are some interesting ways you can fit beautiful, big design ideas into a not-so-spacious home office:

1 - Make your guest room serve a dual purpose

The fact of the matter is that more often than not, our guest rooms turn into an impromptu storage area over time.

Simply because the majority of us doesn't really have guests over as frequent as we thought we would, we tend to slowly fill this space with the things we are not using on the daily.

So, if that's also the case with you, you should declutter this area and make it serve a dual purpose by turning it into your personal home office.

The trick, however, is to avoid placing your work desk right next to or facing your bed, because that can really hinder your productivity.

Simply add a small work desk and a sleek chair that match the overall design and the vibe of the space and voila!

This way, when you actually have guests staying over, you can simply remove your computer and have the room become solely a guest room once more.

2 - Think outside four walls

The next thing people usually forget is that a home office doesn't actually have to be located in a room per se. It's enough to simply find a nook in your home and fill it with all the necessary equipment.

Aside from a comfortable work desk and chair, you'll also need to consider some additional equipment, such as storage space.

Now, if you've chosen to put up a workstation under your staircase, for instance, you can choose to equip it with a handy corner desk and opt to get a mobile pedestal as a storage solution so that you can relocate it once you've finished your work.

Nowadays, you can find ample websites where you can find all of these items and anything else you might need in your home office. So, check them out, find the things you'll need in your office space and order everything with a simple click of a button.

3 - Create a work zone anywhere in your home

As mentioned before, you really don't need to look for a room to create your home office in - you simply need to find a nook quiet enough to enable you to focus on your work.

This work zone can be created in virtually any room, however, you might want to avoid putting it up in your bedroom, as the presence of technology in your bedroom can really hinder the quality of your sleep.

For instance, you can choose to place your work desk in your living room, behind the couch. This is a great idea for all the moms working from home as this way they can keep an eye on their kids while also getting the job done for the day.

Another alternative would be creating a work area in your kitchen - this might be even a better option as kitchens are usually far less busy than living rooms.

4 - Blend your home office with the rest in an open floor plan

If your living space features an open floor plan and that's the only space where you have enough room for your home office, you can either make this productivity hub blend in with the rest of the design, or you can try to make it as seamless as possible.

For instance, if you want to implement a workstation in your open floor plan but you don't necessarily want it to stand out in particular, you can choose to add a glass table as your work desk and a wrought iron chair that will basically "disappear" in the space when not in use.

All of these ideas guarantee you a well-put-together creativity hub that will boost your productivity and enable you to focus on the job at hand without requiring too much space, time and money to be created.


Submitted 21 May 20 / Views 811